An innovative online magazine of literature and art based in New York City, Los Angeles, and Berlin, Triple Canopy ( [3]) has altered the landscape of online reading by introducing an interactive navigation system and publishing each issue piece by piece, all under the motto: “Slow down the Internet.” Since 2008, Triple Canopy has published sixteen issues, organized countless arts events, and recently released the second volume of Invalid Format, a print archive of its varied publishing endeavors, with contributions from fiction writer Joshua Cohen, poet Lucy Ives, and nonfiction writer Nathan Schneider. Triple Canopy welcomes proposals via e-mail from writers and artists who “consider and utilize the Internet as a medium with its own specific qualities and attendant modes of readership.” Visit the website for details.
Established in 2000 and edited by Matthew Limpede since 2007, the Dallas-based online fiction quarterly Carve Magazine ( [4]) is also adding print to its roster. “I believe print is becoming more personal in the age of digital,” says Limpede. The inaugural Fall 2012 print issue features a cover illustration of Raymond Carver—the magazine’s namesake—and an interview with his widow, the poet Tess Gallagher. Carve considers short story submissions year-round via Submittable and by mail, and is currently accepting submissions for the 2013 Esoteric Awards, four $1,000 publication prizes given for short stories on the theme of natural disaster. The deadline is December 31.
In 1971 Ploughshares ( [5]) was founded at the Plough and Stars, an Irish pub in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in 1989 it moved to its current home at Emerson College in Boston. But the literary journal has recently moved beyond these geographic boundaries, having offered issues on the Kindle and Nook since 2010, and having launched, earlier this summer, Pshares Singles—a monthly series of digitally published “long stories” of fiction and creative nonfiction. The print journal’s Fall 2012 nonfiction issue, guest edited by Patricia Hampl, contains new work from Charles Baxter, Terese Svoboda, and Thomas Mallon. Ploughshares is currently accepting submissions for both Pshares Singles and the journal; send poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction via Submittable, or by mail, by January 15.
After eighty-five years of publishing only in print, the University of Nebraska in Lincoln’s Prairie Schooner ( [6]) has unleashed a barrage of multimodal publishing, launching its new podcast, “Air Schooner”; creating FUSION, an online art and poetry series; and selling new issues via the Kindle. In March 2013, the magazine plans to unveil a mobile app for Apple’s iOS platform at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs’ annual conference in Boston. The Fall 2012 issue includes work from poet Alicia Ostriker and fiction writer Ted Kehoe, and the Winter 2012 issue, guest edited by Sherman Alexie, will feature a portfolio of contemporary Native American poetry and prose. Prairie Schooner accepts submissions of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction via Submittable and by mail from September 1 to May 1.
Amid this phantasmagoria of new technologies, the writing still comes first. Since 2010, Song Cave Press editors Ben Estes and Alan Felsenthal have published the elegant poetry journal Sea Ranch ( [7]), a quarterly whose one-hundred-copy print run features a stripped-down publishing model: Two poets are each given ten pages with which to do as they please. The Fall 2012 issue includes original work from Emily Hunt and Nate Klug. The press also publishes monthly poetry chapbooks, including titles by Fanny Howe, Dara Wier, and, more recently, The Dial by Chris Nealon. Sea Ranch does not currently accept unsolicited work; for more information about the journal and to order copies, visit the website.
Travis Kurowski is completing a book on the literary magazine, due out from Atticus Books in 2013. His website is