Be a sponge and keep your antenna up, not just to books and literature but to other art forms and experiences. Many of the projects we’ve pursued at Two Dollar Radio have been more about community building than traditional publishing, and we find inspiration in varied sources, including films, record labels, roadside attractions, restaurants, and hikes. Don’t just stare at a computer screen, get out in the world and paw some actual books at your local bookstore. Read some of them.
As an independent publisher, a big reason why we wanted to open our bookstore and café was to engage with the community around books and culture. I’ve learned of so many writers, movies, bands, art projects, and pressing issues just by talking with people.
Follow booksellers on Twitter. Not only are they incredibly passionate and have informed opinions about books, they also have all the best gossip. Support independent bookstores because it doesn’t matter how amazing the book you write is, no one will read it without booksellers.”
Don’t eat meat. Join a book club. Listen when other people speak. Get plenty of sleep.
—Eric Obenauf, cofounder and editorial director, Two Dollar Radio