Melissa Danaczko of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency Recommends...

“Write every day” can be a good motivator, but it doesn’t work for everyone. In some cases, it can even be counterproductive if it prioritizes word count at the expense of creating fully realized worlds. 

I also believe writing is a craft that goes beyond simply putting pen to paper (or fingers to keypad). Some of the most talented writers I know spend months thinking about their story elements outside of the physical act of writing. This might take the form of outlining or research, but a lot of the time it looks much closer to daydreaming. 

All this mental legwork can allow a writer to be more intentional, and it can happen at any stage of the process. If you are struggling at the midway point, it might make sense to step away and think more deeply about the characters. If you have a full draft, there is no rule saying you must march straight into revisions. And if you have a demanding job, are dealing with newfound responsibilities like homeschooling, or if the realities of our world don’t leave you with as much creative energy as you need, having some craft elements running in your mental background—even at a low hum—can still count as “writing every day.”

Melissa Danaczko of Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency

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