Dear Yusef: Essays, Letters, and Poems, For and About One Mr. Komunyakaa

John Murillo and Nicole Sealey, editors
Published in 2024
by Wesleyan University Press

Edited by award-winning poets John Murillo and Nicole Sealey, this anthology of curated essays, letters, and poems celebrates the impact that Yusef Komunyakaa has had on writers, educators, and readers worldwide. Over sixty tributary pieces are included from students and fellow poets, including Toi Derricotte, Martín Espada, Carolyn Forché, Terrance Hayes, Major Jackson, Sharon Olds, Gregory Pardlo, Lynne Thompson, and Emily Jungmin Yoon. “The word ‘anthology’ derives from the Greek anthos (flowers) and logia (collection, or gathering). This book, then, is a bouquet,” write the editors in the introduction. “A bouquet for one whose generosity, kindness, and wisdom, whose guidance, mentorship, and friendship have made rich the lives of each of the contributors.”