“By observing, we see more. By describing what we can see, we understand more, we feel more. We discover something we didn’t know before,” writes Ellen Bass in “Craft Talk: From Detail to Discovery,” which introduces the first section of this comprehensive craft book edited by Diane Lockward, a follow-up to The Practicing Poet: Writing Beyond the Basics and The Crafty Poet: A Portable Workshop. Each of the thirteen sections in the book is devoted to a specific poetic strategy—such as descriptive detail, diction, imagery—and begins with a craft talk by a renowned poet followed by prompts and sample poems as well as poetic analyses that address practical ways to work on skills. Featuring poems by Traci Brimhall, Ada Limón, Matthew Olzmann, and Frank X Walker, among others, The Strategic Poet: Honing the Craft is a combination of anthology and guide—ideal for any poet seeking to produce dynamic work.