Subgenres: Journalism/Investigative Reporting
Jim Rutman
Terra Chalberg
Laurie Abkemeier
Katherine Fausset
PJ Mark
Eoagh: A Journal of the Arts
Eoagh is dedicated to the idea of reading as a process, the productive chaos of investigative poetic work. It seeks to foreground the writing of experimental women, trans, feminist, BIPOC, antiracist, LGBT, and queer authors. It seeks... Read more
Place. Climate. Justice. is an award-winning literary journal publishing online on a rolling basis: editorials, poetry, essays, fiction, articles, reviews, interviews, artwork, videos, and case studies.
Diode Poetry Journal
Diode Poetry Journal is looking for poetry that excites and energizes, that uses language that crackles and sparks. It is looking for poetry from all points on the arc, from formal to experimental.