GrubStreet Muse & the Marketplace

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The 2022 GrubStreet Muse & the Marketplace conference was held virtually with optional in-person events in and around GrubStreet’s Center for Creative Writing in Boston’s Seaport district, as public health guidelines allowed, from April 27 to May 1. From May 4 to May 8, the conference also conducted a Manuscript Mart, offering manuscript consultations with agents and editors via phone. The April 27 to May 1 event featured around 70 online craft classes, discussions, workshops, and meetings with agents and editors, and add-on in-person parties, events, and other gatherings, for poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers. Participating writers included fiction writers Karen Dukess, Annie Hartnett, Crystal King, Brendan Matthews, and A. E. Osworth. Participating publishing professionals included agents Sonali Chanchani (Folio Literary Management), Carrie Howland (Howland Literary), and Ayla Zuraw-Friedland (David Black Agency), and editor Emi Ikkanda (Hachette). Tuition was $279. Manuscript Mart consultations with agents and editors were available for an additional $209, one-on-one Writers’ Studio Sessions with authors for $209, and small group info sessions with agents and editors for $100. The general registration deadline was April 27. Visit the website for more information.

Contact Information

GrubStreet Muse & the Marketplace, P.O. Box 418, Arlington, MA 02476. (617) 695-0075. Preety Sidhu, Muse Conference Lead.

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