MASS MoCA Writing Through Art offered a fall retreat for poets from October 31 to November 6 in North Adams, Massachusetts. The retreat included morning generative workshops with prompts, exercises, discussions, and readings; afternoon visits to art galleries, studios, and the Berkshires; and a one-on-one manuscript consultation with poet, editor, and retreat director Jan Freeman. Residents had access to the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, the Clark Art Institute, and the Williams College Museum of Art. The retreat provided residents with lodging in a private bedroom with a shared bathroom and kitchen across the street from MASS MoCA. The cost of the retreat was $1,650. Financial assistance was available on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply, writers submitted three or four poems of any length and a statement of interest by July 14. There was no application fee. Visit the website for more information.
Accessibility accommodations include elevator access to studios and museum galleries, as well as accessible parking. E-mail the retreat director for additional accessibility details.
Contact Information
MASS MoCA Writing Through Art Poetry Retreat, c/o Jan Freeman, 1117 West Road, Ashfield, MA 01330. Jan Freeman, Retreat Director.
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