The Cabins

Norfolk, CT, United States
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The Cabins retreat was held from June 18 to June 22 in cabins on Tobey Pond in the Great Mountain Forest near Norfolk, Connecticut. The retreat offered collaborative, interdisciplinary presentations and group exercises led by and for attendees, including poets, fiction writers, nonfiction writers, and translators. Each participant was expected to lead an hour-long master class. The cost of the retreat ranged from $350 to $525 depending on lodging, and included some meals. Scholarships were available. Applicants submitted via e-mail a statement of intent and a bio or link to an author website by March 15. There was no application fee. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Accessibility accommodations include accessible parking. Contact Courtney Maum, executive director, at, for additional accessibility details.

Contact Information

The Cabins, 19 Village Green, Norfolk, CT 06058. Courtney Maum, Executive Director.

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