The Writer’s Hotel “Mini MFA” Conference 

See writers who attended this retreat

The 2022 Writer’s Hotel “Mini MFA” Conference in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry was held virtually from June 8 to June 15. The conference featured two full manuscript readings with two sets of editorial comments offered per reading, one pre-conference and the other post-conference, craft labs, workshops and lectures, attendee and faculty readings, and agent pitching sessions. Faculty included poets Samiya Bashir, Ellen Bass, Nathalie Handal, Terrance Hayes, Deborah Landau, Alexandra Oliver, and Ladan Osman; fiction writers Donald Antrim, Jeffrey Ford, and Elizabeth Hand; poet and nonfiction writers Camille T. Dungy and Honor Moore; poet, novelist, and essayist Chris Abani; fiction and nonfiction writers Meghan Daum, Elyssa East, Pam Houston, Rick Moody, and Lidia Yuknavitch; and conference directors Shanna McNair and Scott Wolven. Participating publishing professionals included agents Jennie Dunham (Dunham Literary) and Gordon Warnock (Fuse Literary). The cost of the conference was $3,500. Using only the online application system, writers submitted 5,000 words of prose or 10 pages of poetry and a brief bio with a $30 application fee by April 22. Visit the website for more information.

Contact Information

The Writer’s Hotel “Mini MFA” Conference, P.O. Box 472, Brunswick, ME 04011. Shanna McNair, Founder and Director.

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