Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow

See writers who attended this retreat
Eureka Springs, AR, United States
Application Deadline: 
Rolling Admissions
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The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow offers residencies of two days to three months year-round to poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Residents are provided with a private room and bathroom, work space, weeknight dinners, and a communal kitchen for all additional meals. The cost of the residency is $95 per night, which includes all meals. An additional $30 flat-rate cleaning fee is charged. To apply, submit a writing sample of up to 10 pages of poetry or prose, a résumé, and a 500-word project description with a $35 application fee. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit the website for the application form and more information.

Accessibility accommodations include public transportation near the venue and accessible parking. Contact the director via phone or e-mail for additional accessibility details.

Contact Information

Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow, 515 Spring Street, Eureka Springs, AR, 72632. (479) 253-7444. Jeanne Glass, Director.

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