Anatomy of Awards: July/August 2017

by Staff
From the July/August 2017 issue of
Poets & Writers Magazine

This issue’s Deadlines section lists a total of 71 contests, down 32 percent from the May/June 2017 issue, which listed 104 contests. The new contests are sponsored by 45 different organizations and offer an estimated $282,380 in prize money—down 63 percent from the $762,983 offered by the contests in the previous issue. The decrease in both the prize money and the number of contests held during the summer months is not uncommon; the slowdown is consistent with Anatomy of Awards totals calculated in previous years. Of the 71 new contests, 54 (76 percent) charge an entry fee (the median entry fee is $20). The charts below further break down the numbers behind Grants & Awards.

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