Breaking Bad Memoir, Samuel L. Jackson's Slam Poetry, and More


Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today’s stories:

T. C. Boyle has recently ended a relationship of nearly thirty years with his publisher, Viking Penguin, and has signed a contract to release his next two books through Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins. (ABC News)

Scribner will publish Breaking Bad actor Bryan Cranston’s memoir in 2015. The actor said in a press release that book will “reaveal the secrets and lies that I lived with for six years” while working on the television program. (Los Angeles Times)

Samuel L. Jackson got into the spirit of National Poetry Month on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, performing slam poetry inspired by the 1990s television show Boy Meets World. (GalleyCat)

CNN reports that eighty-seven-year-old author and Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez has been admitted to a hospital in Mexico

The London Book Fair kicked off today with keynote speakers such as young adult novelist Anthony Horowitz encouraging the publishing industry to fully embrace digital possibilities and to combat Amazon. (Publishers Weekly)

Tracey Scott-Townsend, a writer from northern England, has published her debut novel, The Last Time We Saw Marion, a project that took her twenty years to complete. (Hull Daily Mail)

Bill Morris of The Millions asks if novelists’ sophomore efforts are becoming easier to write.

Poet Julien Poirier discusses the shifting identity of Montreal’s poetry scene. (Harriet)

Novelist Ann Bauer objects to the use of birthing metaphors in the publishing industry. (Beyond the Margins)