Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today's stories:
In her last week as the Department of Justice's Acting Assistant Attorney General, Sharis Pozen spoke at the Brookings Institution about the DOJ's antitrust suit.
Laura Hazard Owen chats with an an anonymous publishing executive about breaking Digital Rights Management (DRM) on e-books, so one can read a "Barnes & Noble Nook book on a Kindle, or an Apple iBookstore book on a Nook, or a Google book on a Kobo." (paidContent)
Meanwhile, Mike Shatzkin reveals the things he learned from the recent London Book Fair: "I heard a rumor from a very reliable source that two of the Big Six are considering going to DRM-free very soon." (Shatzkin Files)
Poet and critic Stephen Burt has discovered Twitter, and the experience has inspired a few thoughts on spontaneity. (Harriet)
In light of the new Hunger Games Fan Tours in Brevard, North Carolina, where Katniss Everdeen enthusiasts can zip-line through the forest where the Hunger Games was filmed, Reuters looks at the long history of literary tourism.
World Book Night volunteer Ryan Chapman tells the story of how last night's event unfolded. (Chapman/Chapman)
According to this letter on the evolving English language written in 1789 by Benjamin Franklin, this particular Founding Father didn't like the spread of the word "improved." (Lapham's Quarterly)
A debate over the fate of badgers (who spread bovine tuberculosis) in the United Kingdom has been influenced by centuries of literature, ranging from Beatrix Potter to Anglo-Saxon poetry. (Guardian)