Spring Creek Project

Cabin at Shotpouch Creek
See writers who attended this retreat
Corvallis, OR, United States

The Spring Creek Project offers two-week collaborative residencies in August and September to pairs of poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers at the Cabin at Shotpouch Creek in the Oregon Coast Range. The residency is open to writers who wish to pursue a collaborative project, and whose work takes inspiration from the natural world. Residents are provided with lodging in a two-bedroom cabin and a $250 stipend each. For residencies in 2020, writers submitted 8 to 10 pages of poetry or 10 to 15 pages of prose, a one-page project description, and a curriculum vitae by May 1. There was no application fee. Visit the website for an application and complete guidelines.

Accessibility accommodations include accessible doorways at both venues. An accessible apartment, restroom, dining hall, meeting rooms, accessible parking, and some accessible sidewalks are available at the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest site. Contact Shelley Stonebrook, Oregon State University representative, at (541) 737-4780 or stonebsh@oregonstate.edu for additional accessibility details.

Contact Information

Spring Creek Project, Oregon State University, 330 Ballard Extension Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331. Carly Lettero, Program Manager.

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