Douglas A. Martin Recommends...

“One of the most important books ever to me is the glorious New Directions Collected Poems, 1912-1944 by H. D., as I was saying recently, ‘that cover, that weight.’ It was an undergrad college text I couldn’t afford at the beginning of semester, but once I saw it I used the Christmas money from my maternal grandparents to go and get it. Much smaller and more recently: Green Integer’s edition of Robert Bresson’s Notes on the Cinematographer was nearly a pillow. Propped on my office desk at Wesleyan: the slim Prophecies (Hesperus Press) by Leonardo da Vinci and right behind it Tracey Emin's Strangeland (Sceptre).”

Douglas A. Martin, author of Your Body Figured (Nightboat Books, September 2008)

Photo credit: Andy Fitch

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