POETS & WRITERS IS MORE than a magazine. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving creative writers. We pay fees to writers giving readings and leading workshops, provide information and advice to authors, and help them connect with one another and with audiences. We also sponsor a number of awards and prizes. Learn more at pw.org.
Inspired in San Francisco
On January 14 and January 15, more than two hundred writers attended Poets & Writers Live: Inspiration. Presented at the San Francisco Art Institute, the two-day program was the eighth in a series of live events aimed at creating opportunities for in-person learning and networking.
A wide range of presenters offered practical information about getting published, insights into the craft of writing, and creative inspiration to those in attendance. The weekend included a reception at City Lights bookstore, a lit mag and small press book fair, and, despite unusually chilly temperatures, an outdoor open mic that gave participants a chance to share their work with one another.Many attendees were from the Bay Area, but some traveled from as far away as Arizona, Connecticut, Maryland, and Tennessee. Participants noted that the program succeeded in providing inspiration and reported that they plan to put what they’ve learned into action by querying agents, submitting work for publication, and trying new things in their writing practice. Find videos from the event and news about future Poets & Writers Live events at pw.org/live.