Today’s GalleyCrush is Tomás Q. Morín’s Machete, forthcoming from Knopf on October 12, 2021.

Perfect pitch: “This fresh voice in American poetry wields lyric pleasure and well-honed insight against a cruel century that would kill us with a thousand cuts.”
First lines: “When I offer my sweaty hand in greeting / I can see the future.”
Cover credit: Bráulio Amado
Book notes: Hardcover, poetry, 96 pages.
Author bio: Tomás Q. Morín is the author of the memoir Let Me Count the Ways, which is forthcoming from the University of Nebraska Press, as well as the poetry collections Patient Zero and A Larger Country. He is coeditor, with Mari L’Esperance, of the anthology Coming Close: Forty Essays on Philip Levine and translator of The Heights of Macchu Picchu by Pablo Neruda. He teaches at Rice University and Vermont College of Fine Arts. Morín lives with his family in Texas.