Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today's stories:
Publishing giant Simon & Schuster has reached a new e-book retail agreement with Amazon and other vendors. (Digital Book World)
Descendants of Ernest Hemingway's cats roam the grounds of the writer's Florida home, which is now a museum. The cats have come under the scrutiny of the courts, and one judge says they must be regulated under federal law. (Christian Science Monitor)
Lee Child illustrates how to create suspense. (New York Times)
Gawker posted Lena Dunham's recent book proposal that landed the filmmaker a substantial contract with Random House.
Author Darin Strauss surveys the state of literary fiction, and spotlights the influence of James Joyce on his contemporaries, including Zadie Smith, and Michael Chabon. (New York Times)
Meanwhile, Susan Zakin writes, "Reports of publishing’s death are exaggerated." (Truthdig)
Today is Emily Dickinson's birthday. The great poet was born on this day in 1830. (Boston Globe)