MFA Program
See writers who attended this programPoetry: James Arthur, Dora Malech, Andrew Motion, Lauren Russell, Bruce Snider, David Yezzi
Fiction: Susan Choi, Danielle Evans, Eric Puchner, Lysley Tenorio
The program offers full funding. The program fully funds all students through teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and fellowships.
The program is the second-oldest program in the United States. It features both a department reading series and a graduate student reading series. Students have access to Johns Hopkins University’s Peabody Institute of Music and collaborations with Maryland Institute College of Art.
Chimamanda Adiche, Jeffrey Blitz, Wes Craven, Louise Erdrich, Porochista Khakpour, Phillis Levin, ZZ Packer, Tom Sleigh, Elizabeth Spires, Rosanna Warren