July/August 1993


An Interview With Barbara Kingsolver

by Amy Pence
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Barbara Kingsolver, the author of Pigs in Heaven, moves easily among the worlds of poetry, fiction, journalism, science, and social activism, and unites them all in her writing and her life.

An Interview with Faye Moskowitz

by Haviva Krasner-Davidson
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Late bloomer Faye Moskowitz talks about the torment and gratification of writing from memory.

An Interview with Jewelle Gomez

by Linda L. Nelson
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Novelist Jewelle Gomez discusses her political background in TV journalism and her literary roots in black and Native American storytelling traditions.

Joy Harjo: An Interview

by Stephanie Izarek Smith

Poet Joy Harjo talks about how the women’s movement, jazz, and Native American and mainstream U.S. culture have influenced her work.

News and Trends

The Atlantic Monthly Press and Grove Press Merge

by Arthur S. Rosenblatt
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President and publisher Morgan Entrekin resides over the newly merged Grove/Atlantic Monthly Press.

$2 Million Advance for First Novel

by Arthur S. Rosenblatt
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First-time novelist Allen Folsom receives a $2 million advance from Little, Brown and Company and Warner Books for The Day After Tomorrow, a neo-Nazi thriller.

Perestroika at the American Academy of Arts and Letters

by Jane Ludlam
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In a move to democratize its membership, one of the country's oldest and most distinguished institutions for writers and artists has voted overwhelmingly in favor of ending the eighty-nine-year-old tradition that separated membership into two levels...
