Diana Abu-Jaber, the author of a first novel about the Arab-American experience keeps her heritage alive through storytelling.
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Diana Abu-Jaber, the author of a first novel about the Arab-American experience keeps her heritage alive through storytelling.
Poet Robert Peters remembers John Gill, a leading spirit in the small press world.
A poetry advocacy group is helping make poetry as ubiquitous as the phone book.
A small writing workshop at an Italian convent provides hands-on working vacation for writers.
In rural Connecticut, Sondra Zeidenstein publishes poetry chapbooks of women over 60.
During the past 50 years, even poets have shied away from expression of feeling.
For writers who don't live in New York, a local agent may be an advantage.
Diana Abu-Jaber, the author of a first novel about the Arab-American experience keeps her heritage alive through storytelling.
James Irvine Foundation awards $180,00 grant to P&W for 18 writers' residencies in California.
Britain's largest and newest literary award causes controversy because it's only given to women.
The division of Alexander Publishing Group BlackWords' reading series promotes African American poetry.
In partnership with Turtle Point Press, Books & Co. will publish forgotten literary fiction.