March/April 1995

Marketing helped turn a midlist writer into a best-selling author.


When Free Speech Means Writing for Nothing

by Mike High
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An honoraria ban means federal employees cannot accept payment for articles or speeches, unless Supreme Court overturns it.

Writing in a River Town: Eau Claire, Wisconsin

by Michael Ryan
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In this conservative, blue-collar town, the literary life is centered around a bar, magazine, and a university.

Marketing, a Bit of Luck, and Success Come to a Midlist Writer: A Conversation With Rosellen Brown

by Charlotte Templin
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Marketing helped turn a midlist writer into a best-selling author.

How-To Books for Writers: Who Needs 'Em?

by Joan Fry
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Creative writing instructors across the U.S. pick their favorite books about the craft of writing.

An Interview With Martin Espada

by Elizabeth Gunderson
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Martin Espada, the author of City of Coughing and Dead Radiators, talks about his life, politics, and poetry.

The Writer as Translator

by Catherine Wald
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Accomplished translators talk about the impact of the craft on their own poetry and ficiton.

An Interview With Michael Denneny

by Stanley E. Ely
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During his 17 years at St. Martin's Press, editor Michael Denneny brought gay and lesbian fiction into the mainstream.

From Words to Literature: An Inside Look at the Ohio Arts Council Creative Writing Panel

by Abby Frucht
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Three writers choose Ohio's poetry and fiction fellowship winners.

News and Trends

NEA Fights Powerful Congressional Enemies

by Jane Ludlam
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As enemies of the National Endowment for the Arts assume new leadership roles in Congress, the agency faces a pivotal test of its ability to survive political attacks.

Nonprofits Gain Readers Through Grants

by Tracy Marx
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The results of the Literary Publishers Marketing Development Program, funded by the Reader's Digest Fund in 1992 and 1993, are announced.
