March/April 1996


The Best Prizes Are Blue Ribbons

by F. D. Reeve
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An accomplished poet criticizes the huge monetary award offered with the Tanning Prize, with a rebuttal by Bill Wadsworth, Executive Director of the Academy of American Poets.

Standing Room Only: The 10th Annual Night of New Works

by Thomas E. Kennedy
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Six writers, three artists, and a musician gather on Cape Code to entertain a sold-out crowd and celebrate the art of performing.

Micro-Press: A New Breed of Publisher

by John Lane
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Micro-publishers, the literary "brew pubs" of the publishing world, use digital technology to print poetry on demand.

Decades of Books: The Curtis Brown Agency

by Stanley E. Ely
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Advice and reminiscences from agents at one of New York's oldest liteary agencies.

The Writing Class Revisited or Can Fiction Writing Still Be Taught?: A ’90s View

by Alexander Neubauer
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Do writing workshops kill creativity by merely promoting competence? A fiction writer and teacher examines the proliferation of writing programs today.

An Interview With Robert Michael Pyle

by Ray Kelleher
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The award-winning writer and naturalist contemplates the myth of Bigfoot, his love of butterflies, and the distinctions between fiction and nonfiction.

An Interview With Cris Mazza

by JR Foley
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The author of Your Name Here ______ and Animal Acts fuels her innovative fiction with the mundane events of everyday life.

News and Trends

Brave New NEA

by Jane Ludlam
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The National Endowment for the Arts is restructured, publishes new information about grant money

New Home and New Name for Kansas Quarterly

by Tracy Marx
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Twenty-five-year-old Kansas Quarterly moves offices to Arkansas State University.

Organizations Meet Threats, Opportunities of Information Age

by David Appell
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Authors Registry and the Publication Rights Clearinghouse take on accounting burden for rights.

Northwestern University Press to Sell Books by Three Small Presses

by Patricia J. Chui
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Northwestern University takes over the marketing/distribution for Marlboro, Tia Chucha, and FC2 Press.

Granta's Best of Young American Novelists

by Patricia J. Chui
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