With the publication of an epic, oeuvre-shifting new book, veteran novelist Russell Banks talks about the evolution of creative expression, the transformation of literature (his) to film, and what's to come in the sweet hereafter.
March/April 1998
Mapping the Imagination: A Profile of Russell Banks
Russell Banks.
Flower Offerings in the Morning
Dana reflects on the simple joys of living a literary life.
The Karpfinger Agency: Home is Where the Office Is
Literary agent Barney Karpfinger.
The Politics of a Feminist Retreat
Norcroft, a writing retreat for women.
Workshop This!
Workshop This! An Introduction
Debate over the efficacy of creative writing workshops.
Toward a More Open, Democratic Workshop
Workshop dynamics: creating a "democratic" workshop.
Trying Voices on for Size: The Writers Studio
Phil Schultz's Writers Studio
Making the Cut: The Orange County Fictionaires
The Fictionaries of Orange County.
Starting in the Middle: Iowa After 40
A student at the Iowa Writers' Workshop considers the advantage of age.
Thursdays: Writings from Prison
Workshop at a prison in California.
In Defense of Literature
The Writers' Voice at YMCAs nationwide.
News and Trends
NEA Announces First Round of 1998 Funding
NEA distributes $640,000 among 32 writers.
Graduate Students Launch New Magazine
University of Virginia MFA students launch Meridian magazine.
Highbrow Hijinks Promote Poetry and Beer
First annual poetry Olympics held at the Brooklyn Brewery.