National Novel Writing Month, Dzanc's eBook Club, and More

by Staff

Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today's stories:

A group of about 150 Hindu women gathered outside Arundhati Roy's home in Delhi to protest her recent comments in support of Kashmir's secession. (Guardian)

Dzanc Books started an eBook Club.

Jacket Copy and Three Percent, which founded the Best Translated Book Awards, weigh in on Melville House's decision to "withdraw" from the competition because it will be underwritten by Amazon.

The Sydney Morning Herald took a jaunt through Melbourne, Australia's secondhand bookstore scene.

Today kicks off National Novel Writing Month and the Independent rounded up some classic titles penned in just a few weeks. Publishing Perspectives has some tips for hitting your word count goals.

George W. Bush will open the Miami Book Fair later this month with a talk about his upcoming memoir, Decision Points. (Miami Herald)

Five days after winning the Nobel Prize, Mario Vargas Llosa was back in a classroom at Princeton lecturing students on Borges's magical realism. (New York Times)

According to a new study, your fingers are aware of every typo you make. (Wired)