MFA Program
See writers who attended this programPoetry: Mary Biddinger, Caryl Pagel, Catherine Wing
Fiction: Hilary Plum, Imad Rahman, Anthony Tognazzini
Creative Nonfiction: David Giffels, Caryl Pagel, Hilary Plum
Playwriting: Mike Geither
The program offers partial funding. The majority of students are funded with teaching and graduate assistantships; the program also offers opportunities with journals, presses, and poetry centers.
The program also offers a degree in playwriting.
The NEOMFA is a consortium of The University of Akron, Cleveland State University, and Kent State University. Students enroll at one university, but can take classes at all three. The program hosts a visiting writing series and a reading series. Other features include the Cleveland State University Poetry Center and the Wick Poetry Center at Kent State University.
Application fees vary per university from $40 to $45.
The deadline for full-time applicants seeking funding (fall matriculation) is January 15. The deadlines for part-time applicants and students not seeking funding are November 15 (spring matriculation) and April 15 (fall matriculation).