Novelist Sues Fox, John Barr Retires, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today's stories:

Apple's stock price has topped six hundred dollars a share for the first time. (NPR)

For Slate, Matthew Yglesias discusses the Justice Department's planned antitrust lawsuit concerning the price of e-books: "A tech giant can afford to shrug off something as petty as an antitrust lawsuit over books, but for HarperCollins, Penguin, MacMillan, Hachette, and Simon & Schuster (full disclosure: my publisher) the implications are potentially quite dire."

Meanwhile, author Barry Eisler comes to Amazon's defense—who stand to benefit from an antitrust suit aimed at its competitors—writing, "It’s pretty hard to see how someone could destroy bookselling by selling tons of books." (GalleyCat)

John Barr, the first president of the Poetry Foundation, announced he would retire at the end of 2012 after almost ten years of service. The Poetry Foundation was created in 2002 after Ruth Lilly—the last surviving great-grandchild of pharmaceutical magnate Eli Lilly—gave two hundred million dollars to Chicago-based Poetry magazine.

A writer, Everette Hallford, is suing Fox, claiming the new television series Touch is based on his novel Visionary, published in 2008 by small press Tumblar House Books. Kiefer Sutherland, the show's producer, is named as a defendant. (Hollywood Reporter)

In other news from Hollywood, discussions are in the works to adapt Fifty Shades of Grey, which is the first in a series of erotic novels by E. L. James that recently sold with major fanfare to Vintage. (Hollywood Reporter)

The Atlantic features comedian Paul F. Tompkins and Ben Zelevansky's the Dead Authors Podcast, which imagines what it would be like if H.G. Wells used his famous time machine to interview other notable authors, such as Emily Dickinson, Dorothy Parker, and O. Henry.

Author Edan Lepucki is starting a new column for the Millions called Ask the Writing Teacher, in which she'll answer queries about all things writing-related. (Italics Mine)