Page One: Where New and Noteworthy Books Begin

From the January/February 2005 issue of
Poets & Writers Magazine

It’s confession time, Catamounts.” Home Land (Picador, January 2005) by Sam Lipsyte. Third book, second novel. Agent: Ira Silverberg. Editor: Lorin Stein.

“I was not abused, abandoned, or locked up as a child.” Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life: Volume One (Crown, January 2005) by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. Fifth book, first memoir. Agent: Amy Rennert. Editor: Annik LaFarge.

“My mother believed that her entire life would have somehow been different had she been given piano lessons as a girl.” Calamity and Other Stories (Doubleday, January 2005) by Daphne Kalotay. First book, short story collection. Agent: Leigh Feldman. Editor: Deb Futter.

“We may as well begin with the ride home.” Pearl (Pantheon, January 2005) by Mary Gordon. Twelfth book, sixth novel. Agent: Peter Matson. Editor: Deborah Garrison.

“whethering which is to say waking is only one thing” Whethering (Center for Literary Publishing, January 2005) by Rusty Morrison. First book, poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Stephanie G’Schwind.

“Why am I here?” The Ha-Ha (Little, Brown, January 2005) by Dave King. First book, novel. Agent: Kim Goldstein. Editor: Michael Mezzo.

“Once upon a time in that part of Mississippi where every town’s name reads like a memory of some better place, a girl with a honey-colored braid down her back stood by the side of the road and stared at a hand-painted sign.” The Celestial Jukebox (Shoemaker & Hoard, January 2005) by Cynthia Shearer. Second book, novel. Agent: Rolph Blythe. Editor: Jack Shoemaker.

“When I was sixteen, my father went to the moon.” Please Don’t Come Back From the Moon (Harcourt, February 2005) by Dean Bakopoulos. First book, novel. Agent: Amy Williams. Editor: Becky Saletan.

“This is the kind of night that leaves a mark.” Smashed: Story of a Drunken Girlhood (Viking, February 2005) by Koren Zailckas. First book, memoir. Agent: Erin Hosier. Editor: Molly Stern.

“This one, they say, will stand forever.” Empire Rising (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, February 2005) by Thomas Kelly. Third book, novel. Agent: Nat Sobel. Editor: Paul Elie.

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