Page One: Where New and Noteworthy Books Begin

From the January/February 2012 issue of
Poets & Writers Magazine

Dear Editor: / Please consider the enclosed poems for publication.” Dear Editor (Persea Books, January 2012) by Amy Newman. Fourth book, poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Gabriel Fried. Publicist: Amanda Calderon.             

“We left on a school day, so Esther wouldn’t see us.” The Flame Alphabet (Knopf, January 2012) by Ben Marcus. Third book, novel. Agent: Denise Shannon. Editor: Martin Asher. Publicist: Lena Khidritskaya.

“There’s this filthy, evil June light coming through the window.” Scars (Open Letter, December 2011) by the late Juan José Saer. Sixth book, third novel. Translator: Steve Dolph. Agent: Guillermo Schavelzon. Editor: E. J. Van Lanen. Publicist: Chad Post.

“It is Wednesday” Mercury (Fence Books, December 2011) by Ariana Reines. Third book, poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Rebecca Wolff. Publicist: Justin Cavin.

“Ren stood perfectly still in the dark, listening.” Come In and Cover Me (Riverhead Books, January 2012) by Gin Phillips. Second book, novel. Agent: Kim Witherspoon. Editors: Sarah McGrath and Sarah Stein. Publicist: Elizabeth Hohenadel.

“Iggy’s thirty-fifth year had been all about Being Here Now, thanks to the book he’d read profiling the counterculture man who turned from acidhead to yogi in a blink.” Baby Geisha (Two Dollar Radio, January 2012) by Trinie Dalton. Fourth book, second story collection. Agent: None. Editor: Emily Pullen. Publicist: Eric Obenauf.

“I would not, could not, nor did I ever raise a hand in anger against America.” From the Memoirs of a Non-Enemy Combatant (Viking, January 2012) by Alex Gilvarry. First book, novel. Agent: Seth Fishman. Editor: Liz Van Hoose. Publicist: Lindsay Prevette.

“The starlet and her ‘intimate device.’” Everyday People (Graywolf Press, January 2012) by Albert Goldbarth. Thirty-first book, twenty-sixth poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Jeffrey Shotts. Publicist: Marisa Atkinson.

“‘I gather you’re my wife,’ said the man in the waiting room.” Smut (Picador, January 2012) by Alan Bennett. Seventh book, second story collection. Agent: Zoe Pagnamenta. Editor: Frances Coady. Publicist: James Meader.

“Isabel often thinks of Amsterdam, though she has never been there, and probably will never go.” Glaciers (Tin House Books, January 2012) by Alexis M. Smith. First book, novel. Agent: None. Editor: Lee Montgomery. Publicist: Nanci McCloskey.

“A heave of afternoon light pulls a tulip from the turf, a bower for locusts, a cup of shells.” Citizen (City Lights Publishers, January 2012) by Aaron Shurin. Eleventh book, ninth poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Robert Sharrard. Publicist: Stacey Lewis.

“The smell of life is back on the pink mountain.” Sometimes There Is a Void: Memoirs of an Outsider (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, January 2012) by Zakes Mda. Seventh book, first memoir. Agent: Isobel Dixon. Editor: Paul Elie. Publicist: Katie Freeman.

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