Page One: Where New and Noteworthy Books Begin

From the July/August 2013 issue of
Poets & Writers Magazine

This is how my new life came about.” Search Party: Stories of Rescue (Counterpoint Press, July 2013) by Valerie Trueblood. Third book, second story collection. Agent: Jessica Papin. Editor: Jack Shoemaker. Publicist: Maren Fox. 

“As the ancients detail it / ecstasy passes over us / in a mist of particles / it lives bare / dies unburied” Thunderbird (Copper Canyon Press, July 2013) by Jane Miller. Tenth book, poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Michael Wiegers. Publicist: Kelly Forsythe. 

“This particular story begins in the dusky hollows of 1991, remembered as a rotten year through and through by almost everybody living, dead, or unborn.” The Telling Room: A Tale of Love, Betrayal, Revenge, and the World’s Greatest Piece of Cheese (Dial Press, July 2013) by Michael Paterniti. Second book, memoir. Agent: Sloan Harris. Editor: Andy Ward. Publicist: London King.

“And there he sat, up front, all alone in the first pew.” & Sons (Random House, July 2013) by David Gilbert. Third book, second novel. Agent: Bill Clegg. Editor: David Ebershoff. Publicist: Maria Braeckel.

“It was the terrine that got to me.” Bobcat and Other Stories (Algonquin Books, June 2013) by Rebecca Lee. Second book, first story collection. Agent: Douglas Stewart. Editor: Kathy Pories. Publicist: Emma Boyer. 

“Lingering over bok choy in neat formation, / bitter clean contrast of white and green, / I hide my cold hands in my coat.” Pause, Traveler (Boreal Books, June 2013) by Erin Coughlin Hollowell. First book, poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Peggy Shumaker. Publicist: William Goldstein.

“On summer evenings in 1964, I used to sit on the basement stairs to read and cool down.” I Hate to Leave This Beautiful Place (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, July 2013) by Howard Norman. Twelfth book, first memoir. Agent: Melanie Jackson. Editor: Deanne Urmy. Publicist: Taryn Roeder.

“One. In high school Peggy Paula worked as a waitress at the Perkins.” Don’t Kiss Me (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, July 2013) by Lindsay Hunter. Second book, story collection. Agent: Jim Rutman. Editor: Emily Bell. Publicist: Kathy Daneman. 

“The cage was empty, / and the vase in your window / overflowed with white flowers.” Light and Heavy Things (BOA Editions, June 2013) by the late Zeeshan Sahil, translated from the Urdu by Mi Ditmar, Christopher Kennedy, and Faisal Siddiqui. Ninth book (first U.S. translation), poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Peter Conners. Publicist: Jenna Fisher.  

“I was slow to delight in disorder, in which words didn’t mean what I’d understood them to mean and which phrases had secret histories I couldn’t know.” The Joker (Simon & Schuster, June 2013) by Andrew Hudgins. Eleventh book, first memoir. Agent: Marianne Merola. Editor: Jonathan Karp. Publicist: Anne Tate.

“Since arriving the previous week I’d kept hearing about a notorious person, and now as I entered the packed lecture hall my gaze caught on a highly conspicuous man.” My Education (Viking, July 2013) by Susan Choi. Fourth book, novel. Agent: Lynn Nesbit. Editor: Paul Slovak. Publicist: Lindsay Prevette. 

“It hadn’t occurred / To God / To use words.” River Inside the River (Norton, June 2013) by Gregory Orr. Fifteenth book, tenth poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Jill Bialosky. Publicist: Allie Bodack. 

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