Page One: Where New and Noteworthy Books Begin

From the July/August 2015 issue of
Poets & Writers Magazine

“This is a love story.” Muse (Knopf, June 2015) by Jonathan Galassi. Fourth book, first novel. Agent: Melanie Jackson. Editor: Robin Desser. Publicist: Maggie Southard.

“Here again / at the edge of what was, // the river held back / by the stones it has carried, // the knife in your hand / brimming // rain.” My Feelings (Graywolf Press, June 2015) by Nick Flynn. Seventh book, fourth poetry collection. Agent: Bill Clegg. Editor: Jeff Shotts. Publicist: Erin Kottke.

“Brooke and Sugar were on a bridge between a field and a crowded wood.” Haints Stay (Two Dollar Radio, June 2015) by Colin Winnette. Fifth book, third novel. Agent: Charlotte Sheedy. Editor: Eric Obenauf. Publicist: Eric Obenauf.

“‘I just hate terrorist attacks,’ the thin nurse says to the older one.” The Seven Good Years (Riverhead Books, June 2015) by Etgar Keret, translated from the Hebrew by Sondra Silverston, Miriam Shlesinger, Jessica Cohen, and Anthony Berris. Sixth book, first memoir. Agent: Anna Stein. Editor: Laura Perciasepe. Publicist: Jynne Martin.   

“If you were on the prowl for a textbook case of the kind of grandiose self-delusion that leads people to make terrible, sometimes crippling decisions, you could hardly do better than to study the professional life and times of A. D. Harvey.” How Did I Get Here? Making Peace With the Road Not Taken (Harper Wave, July 2015) by Jesse Browner. Sixth book, first memoir. Agent: Gail Hochman. Editor: Karen Rinaldi. Publicist: Martin Wilson.

“My mother was waiting in front of our house when I rode up in a taxi.” In the Country (Knopf, June 2015) by Mia Alvar. First book, story collection. Agent: Julie Barer. Editor: Lexy Bloom. Publicist: Helen Tobin.

“Those who saw what happened that morning never said a word about Will’s long stride when he walked down the sidewalk, or the way his legs bowed slightly with every step.” Olivay (Lake Union Publishing, July 2015) by Deborah Reed. Fifth book, novel. Agent: Larry Kirshbaum. Editor: Jodi Warshaw. Publicist: Dennelle Catlett. 

“When I was growing up in the 1930s, the first four words I learned to read were Need money? See Pete.” The Pawnbroker’s Daughter (Norton, July 2015) by the late Maxine Kumin. Thirty-first book, second memoir. Agent: Giles Anderson. Editor: Jill Bialosky. Publicist: Elizabeth Riley.

“A persistent four-toned gong rings in my ears and I am suddenly back in the dusty courtyard of the École de Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux in Cameroon and the church bell is announcing the end of the school day.” The Anger Meridian (Akashic Books, July 2015) by Kaylie Jones. Seventh book, sixth novel. Agent: Trena Keating. Editor: Johnny Temple. Publicist: Susannah Lawrence.

“Perpetual peace.” Heaven (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, June 2015) by Rowan Ricardo Phillips. Third book, second poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Jonathan Galassi. Publicist: Sarah Scire.                

“The composer, with his tape recorder, crossed the barricades at night and crawled through the hills into the land his father had fled.” Music for Wartime (Viking, June 2015) by Rebecca Makkai. Third book, first story collection. Agent: Nicole Aragi. Editor: Kathryn Court. Publicists: Holly Watson and Angela Messina.

“Mama’s still alive today.” The Meursault Investigation (Other Press, June 2015) by Kamel Daoud, translated from the French by John Cullen. First book, novel. Agent: Lucinda Karter. Editor: Marjorie DeWitt. Publicist: Charlotte Kelly.

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