MFA Program
See writers who attended this programPoetry: Grant Clauser, Christine Salvatore
Fiction: Jennifer Fenn, Sawyer Lovett, Trish Rodriguez, Carla (C.J.) Spataro
Nonfiction: Jennifer Rieger
The program offers partial funding in the form of competitive graduate assistantships that provide tuition remission for one class per semester. Merit Awards offer a twenty percent discount on tuition for qualified applicants.
The program hosts monthly readings, craft and professional workshops, and the opportunity to work on the literary magazine, Rathalla Review.
For students following the prose track, the program offers concentrations in short fiction, novel writing, creative nonfiction, dramatic writing, and writing for young adults.
Rosemont also offers a Double Degree program where students can complete and MFA in Creative Writing and an MA in Publishing at the same time.
A Summer Writer’s Retreat (eight days) is offered for credit, as is an International Retreat (10 days).
Jess Callans, Sarah Rose Etter, Jennifer Fenn, Vernita Hall, Erin Entrada Kelly, Sawyer Lovett, MaryAnn Miller, Jennifer Rieger, Meghan Rogers, Linda Romanowski