Sarah Manguso Recommends...

“I am permanently inspired by Gavin McInnes’s book Dos and Don’ts: 10 Years of VICE Magazine’s Street Fashion Critiques. Under a photo of a guy wearing a Japanese flag do-rag: ‘While chickenshit hipsters desperately cling to their jeans and blazers...there are real scientists out there taking risks and trying out dangerous experiments, like “What if I put a bunch of Japanese stuff on my head?” Scoff all you want, but this is exactly how they found a cure for Lou Gehrig's disease.’ McInnes reminds me to include everything in everything, and not to be afraid of freedom. When I read him, the door reopens.”
Sarah Manguso, author of The Two Kinds of Decay (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008)

Photo credit: Andy Ryan

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