Miss Peach Is a Cross Between
A missing tooth and a fang.
A bloom and a sandstorm.
A chain letter and a trapdoor.
A can opener and a kiss.
A moracca and a spear.
Lowered eyes and a suddenly somewhat disconcerting blow job.
A baroque flute flourish and an eerie silence just beyond the cabin wall.
A tube top and a biohazard mask.
Goldilocks and the tongue of a bear.
A little blackout on what you think was Tuesday
and a little black spot on your latest chest x-ray.
A little black period
that holds down words like a tack
and a bright little universe
that loves to turn black.
"Miss Peach Is a Cross Between" from The Stranger Manual by Catie Rosemurgy. Copyright 2010 © by Catie Rosemurgy. Reprinted with permission of Graywolf Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota.