Submissions Open for the Masters Review Spring Small Fiction Awards

Submissions are still open for the Masters Review’s new Spring Small Fiction Awards, offering three $1,000 cash prizes and online publication to winners in the categories of micro fiction, flash fiction, and sudden fiction. Emerging writers, including but not limited to those who have self-published books or who have titles published by independent presses, are eligible to apply.  

Using the online submission system, submit a work of micro fiction of up to 500 words, a work of flash fiction between 501 and 1,000 words, and/or a work of sudden fiction between 1,001 and 1,500 words with a $20 entry fee by June 1. Submissions may include up to two stories in any combination of the three categories. K-Ming Chang, author of the novel Bestiary and a National Book Foundation 5 Under 35 honoree, will judge. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Founded to celebrate “the mighty power of the compressed form,” the Spring Small Fiction Awards are meant to broaden the Masters Review’s search for “the very best in small fiction.” Contest entrants will receive a response by the end of August, and the winners will be announced by the end of September. With a commitment to “celebrating new and emerging writers” the Masters Review launched in 2011 “with the hopes of bridging the gap between new and established writers.”

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