Ucross Residency Program

See writers who attended this retreat
Ucross, WY, United States
Event Date: 
February 1, 2024
Application Deadline: 
January 15, 2024
E-mail address: 

Ucross offers two-, four-, and six-week residencies from February through early June and from August through early December to poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers on a 20,000-acre ranch in Ucross, Wyoming, located 27 miles southeast of Sheridan. Residents are provided with a private bedroom and studio space, chef-prepared meals, and a $1,500 stipend. To apply, writers submitted 10 pages of poetry or 20 pages of prose, a project description, and contact information for two references with a $40 application fee by January 15. Visit the website for more information.

Accessibility accommodations include accessible sidewalks, pathways, and doorways; an accessible dining room; accessible bathrooms, common areas, and studio spaces; and accessible parking. E-mail the program director at tkikut@ucross.org for additional accessibility details.

Contact Information

Ucross Residency Program, 30 Big Red Lane, Clearmont, WY 82835. (307) 737-2291. Tracey Y. Kikut, Program Director.

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