Upcoming Fiction Deadlines

Fiction writers, consider submitting your short stories, novellas, and novels to the following contests, each of which offers a prize of at least $1,000 and publication. The deadline is June 30.

Glimmer Train Press Short Story Award for New Writers: A prize of $2,500 and publication in Glimmer Train Stories is given three times yearly for a short story by a writer whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation over 5,000. Entry fee: $18

Hidden River Arts William Van Wert Fiction Award: A prize of $1,000 and publication in Hidden River Review of Arts & Letters is given annually for a short story or a novel excerpt. Entry fee: $17

The Moth International Short Story Prize: A prize of €3,000 (approximately $3,690) and publication in the Moth is given annually for a short story. A second-place prize of publication, a weeklong retreat at the Circle of Missé in Missé, France, and a €250 (approximately $308) travel stipend; and a third-place prize of €1,000 (approximately $1,230) and publication are also given. Kevin Barry will judge. Entry fee: $15

Engine Books Fiction Prize: A prize of $2,000 and publication by Engine Books is given annually for a short story collection, a novella, a novella collection, or a novel. Entry fee: $30

Winning Writers North Street Book Prize: A grand prize of $3,000 and five prizes of $1,000 each are given annually for self-published books of poetry, fiction, genre fiction, creative nonfiction, and children's picture books. The winners will all also receive publication of an excerpt on the Winning Writers website; a marketing consultation with author and publishing consultant Carolyn Howard-Johnson; $300 in credit at BookBaby, a distributor for self-published authors; and free advertising in the Winning Writers e-mail newsletter. Ellen LaFleche and Jendi Reiter will judge. 

Visit the contest websites for complete guidelines, and check out the Grants & Awards database and Submission Calendar for more contests in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.

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