Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today’s stories:
Jeremiah Zagar has released the trailer for his film adaptation of Justin Torres’s novel, We the Animals. The film made a splash at this year’s Sundance Festival and will be released in theaters in August. (/Film)
“We always have a great deal to be afraid of, and those are conditions of our existence. At any moment there might be some rogue cell that has decided to end our lives. We are mortal, we are vulnerable. The question is, ‘How do we respond to the fact of our vulnerability?’” Marilynne Robinson talks with the Guardian about fear, avoiding cynicism, and American history.
Daisy Fried reviews recent poetry collections by Analicia Sotelo, Bianca Stone, Jenny George, and Diane Seuss. (New York Times)
Read a Poets & Writers online exclusive interview with Diane Seuss about her book that came out in May, Still Life With Two Dead Peacocks and a Girl.
Tracy K. Smith talks with Nylon about her role as the U.S. poet laureate and how poetry can help us “admit to more vulnerabilities than we are encouraged to in the fast-paced, highly adrenalized, combative stream that we live in.”
Colossal rounds up some of the best #bookface Instagram shots taken at the French indie bookstore Librairie Mollat.
Writer Kevin Powers chats with Minnesota Public Radio about his new novel, A Shout in the Ruins, which takes place during the Civil War in America.
Bustle offers thirteen tips and things to know before signing up for a creative writing class.