Here Follows an Account of the Nature of Birds
Here Follows an Account of the Nature of Fish.
Here follows a description of an unknown town.
Here follows the phoenix-flight from human eyes.
Here follow the friendship fish and langouste.
All the marvels of erotic danger follow here.
Here follows the phone number of a dead person.
Here follows a game based on perfect information.
Here follows the address of a place to buy cocaine.
Big sadness come your way, sunrise, skyline.
Let's do it some new way next time we try.
Do you have anything you can put inside me?
Here Follows an Account of the Nature of Birds.
"Here Follows an Account of the Nature of Birds" from Where's the Moon, There's the Moon by Dan Chiasson. Copyright 2010 © by Dan Chiasson. Reprinted with permission of Alfred A. Knopf.