Artistic Bio
Carmen Bardeguez-Brown is a Puerto Rican- Nuyorican poet. Her work is showcase in the documentary: Latino Poets in the United States by Ray Santiesteban. She has read at The Nuyorican Poets Café, The Fez, Mad Alex Foundation, Smoke, The Soho Arts Festival, Long wood Gallery, The Kitchen, The Bowery Poetry club, The Boricua College Poetry Series, Governor Island poetry Festival,Harvard University,Bronx Music Heritage Center, Greenlight Bookstore,Se Buscan Poetas Poetry Reading Series and many other venues.
Some of her work has been performed by Felipe Luciano’s Poets’s Choir, Butch Morris Conduction series, Cantieri del Contemporaneo Poetry like Bread International Video collaboration and many more.
Her work has been published by magazines such as: Tribes, Long Shot, 2 Horatio, Literary Anthology #1-3, School Voices, Long Shot, Fuse, Rutgers Gallery at New Brunswick, Phatitude Cultural Magazine,Woman Writers in Bloom on line magazine, La Pluma y La Tinta , Nuyorican Poets Writers Vol.1 edited by Dr. Nancy Mercado, Xanath Caraza Poetry Blog and On the Seawall online Poetry Magazine. Her poems are in various anthologies such as: Aloud Voices from the Nuyorican, Manteca an Afro-Latino Poets in the United States, I Can’t Breathe, Musings in the time of the Pandemic. Ms. Bardeguez-Brown have 5 poetry books:Straight from the Drums, Dreaming Rhythms: Despertando el Silencio, Al Otro lado del Mundo collaboration with Julio Cesar Paz, meditation on love, Dancing,Loss and Forgiveness, Three Poets a collaboration with Marlena Maduro Baraf and Julio Cesar Paz.
Ms. Bardeguez- Brown received the 2020 Latina 50 Plus Lifetime Achievement Award for her contributions to Latino Literature in New York.