Esther Lee


Author's Bio

Hailing from the American South, Esther Lee lives and writes on a 35’ sailboat with her artist husband, Michael, and their cat, Bowie. A Kundiman fellow, she is the author of the chapbook, Blank Missives (Trafficker Press), and her debut poetry collection, Spit, which received the Elixir Press Poetry Prize and Pushcart Prize nominations. Her second poetry collection, Sacrificial Metal, was selected for the Minds on Fire Book Prize by Conduit Books & Ephemera. Her writing and collaborations with visual artists have appeared in multiple literary magazines and anthologies. You can read more about her mischief at and

Publications & Prizes

Sacrificial Metal (Conduit Books & Ephemera, 2020)
Spit (Elixir Press, 2011)

More Information

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Born in: 
District Of Columbia
Raised in: 
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Feb 19, 2020