Dr. Ramona L. Hyman is a writer, speaker and professor “whose words are powerful memories for us to walk in the 21st century,” says poet Sonia Sanchez.
Presently, Hyman serves as professor of English at Oakwood University. Hyman is a graduate of Temple University (BA), Andrews University (MA), and earned her PhD from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. She earned her CMMI certification from ISACA and a certificate from the H.E.R.S Leadership Institute. African American critic Dr. Joyce Joyce says, “Hyman challenges audiences to explore a poetic imagination grounded in a feel for the southern landscape, African- American literary and political history, Black spirituality, and a creative fusion of Black folk speech with a Euro-American poetic vernacular. Dr. Ramona L. Hyman emerges as a strong Black intellectual poetic voice.”
Hyman is the co-editor of African American Seventh-day Adventist Healers in a Multi-cultural Nation (Pacific Press). She is the author of two collections of poetry-- In the Sanctuary of De South, I Am Black America. Presently Hyman is working on a collection of essays-- “Montgomery 55 on My Mind: Lessons from the Boycott,” and “Jesus in Alabama,” a poetry collection. Her children's book, "Grandma Annie's Poetry" will be published in August 2022. Dr. Hyman has been awarded grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Alabama Humanities Alliance, and Alabama State Council on the Arts.
Dr. Hyman is the co-founder/director of Camp Smart Creative Writing Camp. She offers workshops in creative writing for children and adults.
In 2022, Dr. Hyman was appointed to serve as a Governor’s appointee for the Alabama State Council on the Arts. Email: Ramona.hyman@yahoo.