Publications & Prizes
1991 NYC Poetry Teacher of the Year (awarded by the Board of Ed and Poets House) 1996 Poor Richard's Award, a bust of Benjamin Franklin, The Best of the Small Presses, "for 25 years of high quality publishing," from the Small Press Center in New York 1998 Award for Poetry from the Brandeis National Women’s Association 2011 Plaque Award "in sincere appreciation of 40 years of success in the Art of Publishing from the Creative Arts Department, Siena College, NY 2011 Plaque Award “for [Stanley Barkan's] contribution to the promotion of the globalization of Korean literature through exchanges of Korean and American poetry” from the Korean Expatriate Literature Association, L.A. 2011 The Paterson Literary Review (PLR) Award "for Lifetime Service to Literature" Stanley H. Barkan Special Issue April 2014, Swansea Poetry Magazine 2015 L'Occhio di Scammacca" (sculpture) Sicilian award 2016 Homer: European Medal of Poetry and Art L'Academie Europeénne des Sciences, des Arts edt des Lettres avec le Soutien de l'Academie Nationale des Science d'Ukraine et de la eune Académie ldes Sciences d'Ukraine a décerné l Prix du concours International de poésie "L'Amour de la Liberté" de lAESAL accompagné de la Médaille commémorative Taras Chevtchenko Mr. Stanley H. Barkan, Paris, le 26 Janvier 2018 Ianicius Klemens Janicki International Prize Stanley H. Barkan, for great cross-cultural poetry, Poland - USA 2019. Premio Speciale Aeronwy Thomas to Stanley Barkan, International Literary Competition Amilcare Solferini, May 26th 2024.