Stephen Eoannou

Fiction Writer

Buffalo, NY
New York US

Author's Bio

Stephen G. Eoannou's first story collection, Muscle Cars, will be published in the Spring of 2015 by the Santa Fe Writers Project. These stories have appeared in a number of literary journals and magazines including The Saturday Evening Post, Hayden's Ferry Review, Rosebud, and The MacGuffin. His work has been nominated for two Pushcart Awards, awarded an Honor Certificate from The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, and was a finalist in The Saturday Evening Post's 2013 Great American Fiction Contest.

Eoannou holds an MFA from Queens University of Charlotte, an MA from Miami University, and has taught English at both Ball State University and The College of Charleston. He lives and writes in his hometown of Buffalo, New York, the setting and inspiration for much of his work.

Publications & Prizes

Muscle Cars (Santa Fe Writers Project, 2015)
Prizes won: 

Honor Certificate from The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators

Starz Denver Film Festival Award For Short Screenplay

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
Identifies as: 
Greek American
Prefers to work with: 
Fluent in: 
Born in: 
Raised in: 
Buffalo, NY
New York
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Oct 30, 2013