Tim J. Myers

Poet, Fiction Writer

Santa Clara , CA
California US

Author's Bio

Tim J. Myers is a writer, songwriter, storyteller, and senior lecturer at Santa Clara University. His children’s books--16 out and one in press--have won recognition from the New York Times, Kirkus, and NPR, among others. He’s published over 130 poems, won a first prize in a poetry contest judged by John Updike, has four books of adult poetry out and one in press, won a major prize in science fiction, and has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes. His Glad to Be Dad: A Call to Fatherhood won the Ben Franklin Digital Award from the IBPA and reached #5 on Amazon's "Hot New Releases in Fatherhood." Tim won the West Coast Songwriters Saratoga Chapter Song of the Year award and the 2012 Society of Children's Writers and Illustrators Magazine Merit Award for Fiction. Find him at www.TimMyersStorySong.com or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TimJMyers1.

Publications & Prizes


Journals: , ,


Nectar of Story: Poems (BlazeVOX books, 2015)
Dear Beast Loveliness: Poems of the Body (BlazeVOX books, 2013)
That Mass at Which the Tongue Is Celebrant (Pecan Grove Press, 2007)
Prizes won: 

“Yao Bai and the Egg Pirates"” (Cricket, May/June 2012): SCBWI 2013 Magazine Merit Award for Fiction, Runner-Up. "Chameleon's Cry" (short story). Anthology: Over the Brink: Environmental Disaster. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Third Flatiron Publishing, December 2012. “Hannah's First Story” (Spider, March 2011): SCBWI 2012 Magazine Merit Award for Fiction. "Myself as Tree: A Prayer." Honorable Mention, Merton Institute Poetry of the Sacred Contest, 2010. If You Give a T-Rex a Bone. Finalist, "Best Children's Picture Book of the Year," ForeWord Magazine. “Arthur’s Toys” (Cicada, March 2005): SCBWI 2005 Magazine Merit Award Runner-up. “Rock Takes a Name" (Storyworks, November, 2004). Finalist, Distinguished Achievement Award, Children’s Fiction Periodicals; Association of Educational Publishers, 2005. “Glimpsing Tokyo” (essay). Nominated for a Pushcart Prize by the Kyoto Journal, November, 2004. “The Christmas Stick” (Spider, December 2003): SCBWI 2003 Magazine Merit Award Runner-up. Basho and the Fox: #10 on The New York Times best-seller list for children’s books (11/5/00) and chosen by Smithsonian Magazine as a notable book for children for 2000. “Brother Jubal in the Womb of Silence,” (SF) Third Place, L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest. The McMasters Prize for Historical Writing (for essay “Plattsburgh: A History of Voices”). Clinton County Historical Association. 1996. 1987 Second Place, International Bulwer-Lytton Contest; San Jose State University, San Jose, California. 1973 First Place Hallmark National Poetry Contest; “The Husband,” judged by John Updike.

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
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Born in: 
Portland, OR
Raised in: 
Colorado Springs, CO
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: May 06, 2019