Currently, I work to publish my first poetry collection about the harrowing and mystical nature of one woman's life journey. Earlier this year I created a chapbook titled Butterfly that highlights the emotional turmoil I experienced as a young women. Available for $14 at LitMedia, 3637 N. 20th Pl., Ste. 34, Sheboygan, WI 53083.
Rock On Orpheus appears in the latest anthology, Play available at Outrider Press. My work is found in eight previous collections by Outrider Press as well a the collection From Everwhere a Little: A Migration Anthology by Water’s Edge Press and Contours: A Literary Landscape from the Driftless Writing Center. You can also see my work in Haiku Journal, Rosebud, Iconoclast, Prism (OSU), Mistry Guild, MUSH (UWMC), and Volga River Review (UIU). Publications include Wisconsin Great Waters calendars for 2020- 2021 and the 2011 Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets calendar.
Authors whose workshops I've attended include Dorianne Laux, Li-Young Li, Craig Lesley, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Luis Rodriguez, Kim Blaeser, Max Garland and Marianne Chan.
My education includes a B.A in English Lit and a M.A. focused on social change, social research and communication. I have taught as an adjunct professor in Oregon and Wisconsin.