Adina Dabija was born in Aiud, Romania. She now lives in New York, where she practices acupuncture and hypnosis. Her first book, „poezia-papusa” (the doll-poem), was awarded the Bucharest Writers’ Association Guild Prize in 1998. She published "Stare nediferențiată" (Undifferentiated State) in 2010 for which she was awarded the Tomis prize in Constanta, Romania. In 2011 she published Beautybeast (North Shore Press), her first collection of poetry in English, and in 2012, at Polirom Publishing House, her first novel, „Șaman” (Shaman). Adina is currently working at four books: Songs from my Garden, a poetry collection; Nine Seeds for Life, a practical self-help book which combines narrative medicine from her native Romania with gardening and bio cognition for anyone suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder; Rumi’s Field, a novel on the mystical relationship between Rumi, the 12th century Sufi poet, and his spiritual companion Shams al Tabriz; and Wise and Wild in America, a book of interviews with exponents of the traditional American values such as self-reliance, individual freedom and equality of opportunity to inspire the young generations. Some of her recent writings and interviews can be found at
An open mic will precede the featured reader. Sign up starts at 6:30.
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