Editorial Focus
Calliope publishes poetry, nonfiction, and short fiction, including mystery, sci-fi, horror, romance, and most related sub-genres. Mixed genre stories and experimental forms will be considered. Mainstream stories will be considered if they are somehow out of the ordinary. Humor and satire are always appreciated. Editorial focus is on originality, characterization, emotional content, and imagery. Sex, gore, and strong language, while not forbidden, must not be gratuitous. Challenge readers but don’t, in the process, forget to tell a good story.
Tips From the Editor
Calliope is published quarterly by the Writers Special Interest Group of American Mensa. It's a popular market for less-known writers to see their work in print and exchange ideas about the craft. Mensa membership isn't required to submit works for publication. Poetry submissions are welcome year-round. Fiction submissions are accepted on an irregular basis. See our guidelines for current status.