Editorial Focus
Established by Richard Hugo and William Kittredge in 1973, CutBank is Montana’s oldest literary magazine. They are run by the students of the University of Montana Creative Writing MFA program, publishing two annual print issues of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art.
Tips From the Editor
Thematically and technically, we’re looking for outstanding, creative, stimulating work that combines classic discipline and excellence with contemporary forms, ideas, and concerns. We're global in scope, but with a regional bias. CutBank leans heavily toward the literary and typically doesn’t publish highly experimental work, erotica, hard fantasy or science fiction, genre work, or standalone chapters from longer works unless they hold up as a flash-style piece. That said, we are intrigued by well-crafted elements of those genres in a piece, so long as the work itself adheres to the overall literary standards we’re seeking. You can find more specific guidelines on the submissions page.